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2025-01-28jmcim baliuag
jmcim baliuag
jmcim baliuag President-elect Donald Trump's proposed new arrangement for any company looking to expand in America garnered immediate suspicion and criticism Tuesday on social media. In a post to his Truth Social platform on Tuesday, Trump said: "Any person or company investing ONE BILLION DOLLARS, OR MORE, in the United States of America, will receive fully expedited approvals and permits, including, but in no way limited to, all Environmental approvals. GET READY TO ROCK!!!" This idea drew scorn and doubt from some commenters, who saw it — along with Trump's billionaire-run blue ribbon committee to advise on how to slash government programs — as the surrender of America to an oligarchy. "For $1 billion, Trump says you can avoid environmental regulations," wrote MSNBC contributor Sam Stein on X. "We’re have (sic) a land clearance sale, America," wrote Condé Nast legal affairs editor Luke Zaleski. ALSO READ: Agenda 47: Alarm sounded about Trump’s dystopian plans for his second term The reception on rival platform Bluesky was similar. "A government of oligarchs that will exist to solely serve the interests of oligarchs while distracting working people with culture wars," wrote former GOP adviser turned anti-Trump strategist Ron Filipkowski. "A government of the billionaires, by the billionaires, for the billionaires," wrote history professor Aviel Roshwald. Others weren't entirely opposed to an idea like this, as permitting reform has been a bipartisan idea gaining traction in recent years — but some questioned why Trump created such a transactional arrangement. "Probably better just to expedite permit approvals regardless of whether one invests a billion dollars or more," wrote history professor Aaron Astor. "Permits shouldn't be granted if the project will cause environmental damage. The problem is the delay in approval (or denying) them. Ironically, downsizing the government of its Federal workforce will make permit approval even more inefficient."

보스턴, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 손해보험(P&C) 및 일반 보험의 미래를 주도해가는 지능형 솔루션 제공업체인 Duck Creek Technologies (이하 Duck Creek)가 회사 및 고객을 위한 혁신과 성장에 더욱 속도를 내기 위해 베테랑급 임원 3명을 글로벌 고위 경영진에 임명했다. 새로 선임된 임원들은 북미 영업 담당 수석 부사장인 William Magowan, 유럽•중동•아프리카 지역 (EMEA) 담당 매니징 디렉터인 Elodie Hilderal, 아시아태평양 지역 담당 매니징 디렉터인 Christian Erickson이다. 신규 임원들은 보다 큰 조직과 협력해 사업 확장과 매출 성장에 필요한 새로운 기회를 창출하는 한편 전 세계 Duck Creek 고객과 파트너를 대상으로 세계적 수준의 경험을 제공하는데 주력하게 된다. William과 Elodie, Christian은 Duck Creek을 비롯해 다양한 곳에서 풍부한 보험관련 기술 경력을 보유하고 있다: William Magowan 은 보험 기술 업계에서 20년 동안 영업 책임자로 활동한 경력을 바탕으로 북미 영업 담당 수석 부사장 을 맡으며 Duck Creek에 재합류했다. 그는 우수 실적을 보인 영업팀을 육성하고 이를 진두지휘하며 제품 혁신을 주도했으며, 검증된 고객 가치를 제공하는 데 있어 탁월한 성과를 보였다. Elodie Hilderal 은 Duck Creek 영업 부사장으로 성공적인 역할을 수행한 후 EMEA 지역 매니징 디렉터 로 임명되었다. Elodie 디렉터는 보험 및 재보험 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어 업계에서 15년 동안 영업, 전문 서비스, 고객 성공 분야에서 리더십 역할을 수행해 온 탁월한 리더로, 보험 및 재보험 업계에서 탄탄한 경력을 구축한 인물이다. Christian Erickson 은 25년 이상 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어, 클라우드, 사이버 보안, 전문 서비스 분야에서 쌓은 경험을 바탕으로 아태지역 매니징 디렉터 를 맡게 되었다. Duck Creek에 합류하기 전에는 Cognizant와 Accenture를 비롯한 여러 회사에서 금융 서비스 및 보험 부문의 총괄 매니저를 역임하며 성장, 고객 성공, 전문 서비스 부문을 담당했다. Duck Creek Technologies의 Mike Jackowski CEO는 “William과 Elodie, Christian 이렇게 신규 임명 세 명을 선임한 것은 Duck Creek에 있어 중요한 순간이다. 이들의 리더십 역량과 업계 전문성을 바탕으로 2025년에는 전례 없는 수준의 성장을 이루고 전 세계로 사업 영역을 확장할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다"라고 밝혔다. 그는 또 “Duck Creek은 보험 기술 분야를 선도하는 기업으로서, 고객들은 우리가 구축하는 솔루션부터 제공하는 고객 경험에 이르기까지 우수성의 표준을 정립하기를 기대하고 있다. 세 명의 임원 모두 보험사와 보험 계약자의 지속적인 이익을 위해 Duck Creek이 업계를 지속적으로 선도할 수 있도록 배경과 노하우, 입증된 성공 경험을 갖추고 있다”고 설명했다. Duck Creek Technologies 소개 Duck Creek Technologies는 재산 및 손해(P&C), 일반 보험 산업의 미래를 주도할 지능형 솔루션을 공급한다. 당사는 최신 보험 시스템 구축의 기반이 되는 플랫폼으로 업계가 클라우드를 활용해 민첩성을 가지고 지능형 방식으로 원활하게 사업을 운영할 수 있도록 지원한다. 진정성, 목적성, 투명성을 핵심 가치로 삼는 Duck Creek은 개인과 기업이 가장 필요로 하는 시기, 장소, 방법을 통해 보험을 이용할 수 있어야 한다고 믿는다. 시장을 선도하는 당사의 솔루션은 독립형 또는 전체 제품군 으로 제공되며, Duck Creek OnDemand 를 통해 이용할 수 있다. 자세한 정보는 회사 홈페이지 www.duckcreek.com 에서 확인하세요. 소셜 채널인 – LinkedIn 과 X 에서 Duck Creek을 팔로우해 최신 정보 확인도 가능합니다. 언론 연락처 정보: Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred duckcreek@threeringsinc.comQT Marshall battles AJ of the Costco Guys on the AEW Full Gear Zero Hour pre-show, and he recently spoke about making the match happen and more. Marshall spoke with Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp for a new interview and highlights are below: On first meeting AJ and setting up their Full Gear match: “My first-ever independent show at the Monster Factory was his last. He was retiring and he bestowed his babyface run to me, as a babyface. ‘This wrestling company is going to be in good hands because I got Bulldog Mike Cuellari and he’s going to be the next guy.’ We always stayed in touch. Sonjay worked with him on the indies and Sonjay brought him up. I said I had his number, let’s give him a call. We invited him to All Out, and I knew, this is where the worker in me comes in, I knew as a professional wrestler and you’re always a professional wrestler. I just had to convince him to get back in the ring. If I could do it and sell him on the idea, do it in his hometown in front of his friends and family and son, what a moment it could be. Maybe we do a tag match where I do the heavy lifting. Then, of course, my plan all along was to do one-on-one. I don’t want to share the spotlight and I don’t want him to share the spotlight. Would they cheer me? Maybe, but we stay in the lanes we’re good at. “We were able to make it happen and from the time we made the agreement, right after All Out to now, it has blown up quadruple the amount. Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, just to say my name on there, I was like, ‘This is more than we could have ever asked for.’ The announcement of The Rizzler. Part of it is that we didn’t want to take up a lot of TV time. One, because the fans following are not our fans. Let’s put it on socials and see how it does. Also, then there’s not a lot of pushback from people in the company. It is completely different from everything else on the TV show. There’s always going to be positives and negatives, but we stayed in our lane, did it on social, and make the audience want us to put it on TV.” On being comfortable performing on pre-shows and the like: “I’ve always been like that. If I wanted to do an angle, let’s do it on Dark and Elevation. Let’s build it up to the point where fans are asking for it on the main show,” he said. “Instead of just sitting back and going, ‘I don’t want to do anything if I’m not on the main show.’ No. Any opportunity is a great opportunity. That’s what we did. We always had the agreement it would be on Zero Hour and be free for his fans so they could see it. Just stay in his lane. We’re more than happy with what they’ve been able to bring to the table. He’s super professional. I can’t wait to embarrass him and show him, ‘You were okay 20 years ago, but you’re definitely not God’s gift to professional wrestling.’ It’s going to be a spectacle nonetheless. I know he’s really helped the ticket sales and bringing mainstream publicity to it. It’s everything you could ask for. The fact that he was a wrestler before this helped. It helped get into the endzone. We’re at the one-yard now.” On fan criticism of the match taking place: “At the end of the day, I don’t love every segment on every show I watch. I understand there is a business at hand and a rhyme and reason why people do everything. If they don’t understand it, that’s okay. We’re not going to sit there and explain the inner workings of the wrestling industry to them. We’re putting on a TV show. It’s easier for me to circle the number of views and post that instead of trying to explain the entire wrestling industry to some people. Is it different that what we normally do? Sure, of course. What AEW was when it first started, it was an alternative that took a lot of independent wrestlers that didn’t get their chance at WWE to get an opportunity on a big stage. That’s literally what this is, just 20 years later. It just so happens that he has an amazing following and a lot of viewers willing to click on everything that he posts. I thought it was a win-win.” On putting the match on the pre-show: “My idea was, I don’t want to go on last. I want to be in the middle somewhere, so people tune in, but we also promote the rest of Zero Hour and put something on after that is incredible and AEW-branded. Hopefully, we get people that are first-timers to tune in and say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know there was another wrestling company out there. This is incredible. Now, I have to buy this pay-per-view’ or ‘I have to tune in Wednesday to Dynamite.’ It’s a risk, but not a huge risk. The reward is well worth it. It’s been proven over the years that adding mainstream publicity to your wrestling show can really help out. To us, it was a no-brainer. Getting Tony to sign off on it was a little hard at first, but he understood and I think there is trust between him and I to where I’m not going to go into business for myself and ruin the television show. “We’re very focused on wrestling, and we should be, because we’re All Elite Wrestling, but there is...I don’t want to say a cap to how many people want to watch wrestling, but it is what it is,” he continued. “How do we get new viewers? Once you do watch an AEW show, if you go to a live AEW show. You’re like, ‘Oh my goodness, I have never seen stuff like this before in my life.’ You have to get them in the door first to watch the show. I don’t know how many of our fans are going door to door telling their friends about it, but I know AJ the Costco Guy is going on TikTok and telling people, ‘You have to watch this. I’m bringing the Boom.’ This is the greatest marketing we could ask for, especially to a new audience, instead of continuously promoting to the same exact audience we already have. If something isn’t the greatest, they’re going to tell how many people? If it’s good, they expect it to be good because it’s All Elite Wrestling. They’re not telling anybody about that. If we can get more positive exposure and publicity, let’s do it. I thought AJ was one of the best ways to do it and it’s proven itself. They’re everywhere.”CINCINNATI (AP) — The Cincinnati Bengals finally managed to win a close game. Seven of Cincinnati's eight losses this season have been by one score. The frustration of not being able to close out these games had started to fester among the confounded Bengals. That's why Monday night's 27-20 win over the Dallas Cowboys was so satisfying. Joe Burrow threw a tiebreaking 40-yard touchdown pass to Ja'Marr Chase with 1:01 left. That was set up by a botched punt block that put the ball back in Cincinnati's hands with less than two minutes remaining. “I guess I could say luck went our way on this one,” Bengals coach Zac Taylor said. Most every other good thing that happened for Cincinnati (5-8) in snapping a three-game skid was earned. Burrow finished 33 for 44 for 369 yards with three touchdowns and an interception. Chase caught 14 passes for 177 yards and two touchdowns. “We needed this feeling because those last three locker rooms haven’t been like this,” Taylor said. “So just to feel that joy and the week’s worth of work has paid off for you, and then you turn the page and move on to the next one. But it helps you during the week just to have this confidence. We got one, and now we’ve got to go do it again.” The Bengals outgained the Cowboys 433-322. “It’s an opportunity for the world to see and we’re going to keep fighting,” Taylor said of getting the win on Monday Night Football. “So when the Bengals walk on the field, you’re going to get our best shot.” What's working The Burrow-to-Chase connection is as robust as ever. “Coming into this game, I was going to feed Ja’Marr,” Burrow said. “I felt he had some opportunities last week (in the 44-38 loss to the Steelers) that we didn’t quite take advantage of. So, I was just going to make sure if I got an opportunity with him, I was going to give it to him.” Both are enjoying prolific seasons. Burrow leads the league in passing yards (3,706) and touchdowns (33). Chase, who is expecting a contract extension that will make him one of the league's highest-paid receivers, leads the NFL in receptions (93), receiving yards (1,319) and touchdowns (15). “We feed off each other,” Burrow said. “We make each other better. We are both really smart players.” Trey Hendrickson’s key sack of Cooper Rush late in the game increased his NFL-leading total to 12 1/2. What needs help The secondary is still inconsistent. The protection provided to Burrow by a reshuffled offensive line was subpar. Granted, he often moves around outside the pocket to try to make something happen, but the franchise quarterback is hit too hard too often. Stock up Chase Brown is growing more every week in his role as the team's No. 1 running back after the season-ending injury to Zack Moss. Brown carried 14 times for 58 yards and caught six passes for 65 yards and a touchdown. ... Cade York, stepping in for the injured Evan McPherson, was 2 for 2 on field goals and made all three of his extra points. Stock down A spongy defense allowed Cowboys RB Rico Dowdle to rush for 131 yards at 7.3 yards per carry. WR CeeDee Lamb beat Bengals cornerback Mike Hilton badly on the Cowboys' first touchdown. Lamb had six catches for 93 yards. Injuries Burrow limped off the field after he was dragged down by his facemask by the Cowboys' Marist Liufau in the fourth quarter. He was seen putting a compression sleeve on left knee before returning for the next Bengals possession. Afterward, he said he was fine. “It’s nothing crazy,” he said. “I just landed on it a couple of times. We’ll see. It’ll be sore for a while, but I’ll be all right.” Key number 4 — Games in a row in which Burrow passed for at least 300 yards and three touchdowns. Monday night's win was the first win in that stretch. Next steps The Bengals have a short week to prepare for the Tennessee Titans (3-10) on Sunday. AP NFL: https://apnews.com/hub/NFL

As one of the leading providers of a 24/7 autonomous smart store, VenHub has introduced and developed a solution with the potential to transform how consumers interact with technology in retail environments. Powered by proprietary software and unique robotics arms technology, VenHub's product offering can provide a seamless customer experience. Manufactured by a leader in the global robotics industry, the innovative robotic arms technology can differentiate VenHub from traditional retail solutions and well-positions the Company in the automated retail space. Additionally, VenHub's cutting edge vision system adds precision and reliability to its product offering, and the efficiency and security of the Smart Stores are enabled by VenHub's intellectual property portfolio. Founded in 2023, VenHub is addressing challenges facing traditional retail stores, including inefficient inventory management, limited hours, high labor costs, and security concerns. The Smart Stores are designed to utilize data-driven inventory management, a self-service delivery system, and advanced security protection, all of which reduce labor costs and collectively enhance sales and growth potential. Through these potential competitive advantages, VenHub has secured over 1,000 customer pre-orders across 48 states, with potential revenue of more than $300 million 1 in pre-order value. This pre-order book demonstrates market confidence in VenHub's smart store technology. VenHub's growth strategy focuses on geographic and store format expansion to meet the growing demand for autonomous retail solutions, as well as product diversification to enhance VenHub's market presence and operational efficiency. The Company's CapEx-light business model has the potential to create value for stakeholders, and its diversified business model with potential for recurring revenue can allow VenHub to achieve its expansion plan. Key Investment Highlights Shahan Ohanessian, Chief Executive Officer of VenHub, commented : "This is day one for VenHub on a larger stage,” Shahan Ohanessian, CEO of VenHub, remarked. "We're at the starting line of what I believe will be a remarkable journey, turning our vision into reality and expanding our reach on a global scale. We're not just joining the market; we're aiming to pioneer a new frontier in smart retail that enhances how businesses and consumers connect.” Mike Minnick, Chief Executive Officer of TGAA, added : "We are excited to partner with Shahan and the VenHub team. VenHub's efficient, capital-light business model, combined with strong near-term projected positive cash flow generation, positions the Company for sustainable growth. This approach enables strategic expansion into multiple geographic markets while leveraging internally generated cash flow and maintaining disciplined resource allocation.” Proposed Business Combination Overview The Proposed Business Combination implies a pro forma enterprise value of $715 million, which assumes an estimated equity value of $650 million, $26 million in new cash to the balance sheet (assuming 100% redemptions by TGAA public shareholders), and $0.6 million in existing cash. The Proposed Business Combination is expected to provide net cash to VenHub of up to $14 million to support VenHub's continued geographic expansion and product diversification. Cash proceeds raised will consist of TGAA's approximately $20.4 million cash in trust, net of redemptions. The cash in the TGAA trust account is anticipated to support the Company's growth capital needs, including VenHub's production, marketing and sales efforts. It is intended that 100% of existing VenHub stockholders will roll over their equity and, assuming no redemptions and full rollover, own approximately 89% of the pro forma equity of the combined company in connection with the transaction. The Proposed Business Combination has been approved by the boards of directors of both VenHub and TGAA and is expected to close in the second quarter of 2025, subject to shareholder approvals and other customary closing conditions. For a summary of the material terms of the Proposed Business Combination, as well as a supplemental investor presentation, please see the Current Report on Form 8-K filed today by TGAA with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC”). Additional information about the Proposed Business Combination will be described in TGAA's proxy statement relating to the Proposed Business Combination, which it will file with the SEC. Advisors Cohen & Company Capital Markets, a division of J.V.B. Financial Group, LLC, is serving as the exclusive financial advisor, capital markets advisor and placement agent to VenHub. Smith Eilers PLLC is serving as legal counsel to VenHub. Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP is serving as legal counsel to TGAA. Travers Thorp Alberga is serving as legal counsel to TGAA with respect to Cayman Islands law. About VenHub VenHub Global, Inc., f/k/a Autonomous Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is reshaping the retail industry with its groundbreaking autonomous and robotic-operated Smart Stores. Leveraging advanced AI and smart inventory management systems, VenHub offers a seamless shopping experience that operates 24/7. This approach not only increases revenue but also significantly reduces operational costs compared to traditional retail setups. VenHub's modular design allows for quick installation and easy customization to meet a wide range of consumer needs. The company operates across three main retail formats: fixed Smart Stores for permanent locations, mobile Smart Stores for flexibility and broader accessibility, and innovative solutions that upgrade existing retail spaces and shopping centers into advanced Smart Shopping environments. With its forward-thinking strategy, VenHub is poised to transform the retail landscape, providing an efficient and accessible shopping experience that anticipates the future of commerce. About Target Global Acquisition I Corp. TGAA Acquisition I Corp. is a blank check company incorporated as a Cayman Island exempted company and formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. TGAA's units, Class A ordinary shares and warrants trade on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbols "TGAAU,” "TGAA,” and "TGAAW” respectively. Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes "forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the "safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. TGAA's and VenHub's actual results may differ from their expectations, estimates and projections and consequently, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Words such as "expect,” "estimate,” "project,” "budget,” "forecast,” "anticipate,” "intend,” "plan,” "may,” "will,” "could,” "should,” "believes,” "predicts,” "potential,” "continue,” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, TGAA's and VenHub's expectations with respect to future performance and anticipated financial impacts of the Proposed Business Combination, the satisfaction of the closing conditions to the Proposed Business Combination and the timing of the completion of the Proposed Business Combination. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. Most of these factors are outside TGAA's and VenHub's control and are difficult to predict. Factors that may cause such differences include, but are not limited to: (1) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the Business Combination Agreement, (2) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against TGAA and VenHub following the announcement of the Business Combination Agreement and the transactions contemplated therein; (3) the inability to complete the Proposed Business Combination, including due to failure to obtain approval of the shareholders of TGAA or other conditions to closing in the Business Combination Agreement; (4) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the Business Combination Agreement or could otherwise cause the Proposed Business Combination to fail to close; (5) the amount of redemption requests made by TGAA's shareholders; (6) the inability to obtain or maintain the listing of the post-business combination company's common stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC following the Proposed Business Combination; (7) the risk that the Proposed Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations as a result of the announcement and consummation of the Proposed Business Combination; (8) the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Proposed Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of the combined company to grow and manage growth profitably and retain its key employees; (9) costs related to the Proposed Business Combination; (10) changes in applicable laws or regulations; (11) the possibility that VenHub or the combined company may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; and (12) other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in the proxy statement relating to the Proposed Business Combination, including those under "Risk Factors” and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” which will be set forth in a Registration Statement on Form S-4 (the "Registration Statement”) to be filed by TGAA and the Company and in TGAA's other filings with the SEC. Some of these risks and uncertainties may be amplified by future events and there may be additional risks that we consider immaterial or which are unknown. It is not possible to predict or identify all such risks. TGAA cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive. TGAA cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. TGAA does not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based . Additional Information and Where to Find It This press release relates to a proposed transaction between the Company and TGAA. This document does not constitute an offer to sell or exchange, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or exchange, any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, sale or exchange would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act. TGAA and the Company intend to file a registration statement on Form S-4 that will include a proxy statement/prospectus of TGAA. The proxy statement/prospectus will be sent to all TGAA shareholders. TGAA also will file other documents regarding the proposed transaction with the SEC. Before making any voting decision, investors and security holders of TGAA are urged to read the registration statement, the proxy statement/prospectus and all other relevant documents filed or that will be filed with the SEC in connection with the proposed transaction as they become available because they will contain important information about the proposed transaction. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the registration statement and all other relevant documents filed or that will be filed with the SEC by TGAA through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov. In addition, the documents filed by TGAA may be obtained free of charge from TGAA's website at https://tgacquisition1.com/ or by written request to TGAA at: Target Global Acquisition I Corp., PO Box 10176, Governor's Square 23, Lime Tree Bay Avenue, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands. Participants in the Solicitation TGAA and the Company and their respective directors and officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from TGAA's shareholders in connection with the proposed transaction. Information about TGAA's directors and executive officers and their ownership of TGAA's securities is set forth in TGAA's filings with the SEC. Additional information regarding the interests of those persons and other persons who may be deemed participants in the proposed transaction may be obtained by reading the proxy statement/prospectus regarding the proposed transaction when it becomes available. You may obtain free copies of these documents as described in the preceding paragraph. No Offer or Solicitation This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation to purchase any security of TGAA, VenHub or any of their respective affiliates. No such offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act, or an exemption therefrom. The contents of this press release have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. INVESTMENT IN ANY SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED BY THE SEC OR ANY OTHER REGULATORY AUTHORITY NOR HAS ANY AUTHORITY PASSED UPON OR ENDORSED THE MERITS OF THE OFFERING OR THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. Investor Relations Contact [email protected] 888-585-4999 Wire Service Contact : IBN Los Angeles, California www.InvestorBrandNetwork.com 310.299.1717 Office [email protected] 1 Grand View Research, "GVR Report cover Convenience Stores Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Cigarettes & Tobacco, Foodservice, Packaged Beverages, Center Store, Low Alcoholic Beverages), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2028”, May 2022 2 Based on management estimates. As of September 30, 2024.

No, Rocket Lab Stock Does Not Defy Gravity (Technical Analysis)Noel had seven rebounds for the Raiders (6-5, 1-1 Horizon League). Jack Doumbia scored 21 points while shooting 8 of 16 from the field and 5 for 6 from the line and added 13 rebounds and three blocks. Alex Huibregste shot 5 of 10 from the field, including 2 for 6 from 3-point range, and went 5 for 5 from the line to finish with 17 points, while adding six assists. The Titans (5-6, 1-1) were led in scoring by Orlando Lovejoy, who finished with 14 points, seven rebounds, four assists and two steals. Detroit Mercy also got 12 points from Nate Johnson. Grant Gondrezick II also recorded 11 points and two steals. Wright State's next game is Wednesday against Marshall at home. Detroit Mercy visits Davidson on Saturday. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .

Texas education board approves optional Bible-infused curriculum for elementary schoolsSyrian insurgents said early Sunday they had entered Damascus, capping a stunning advance across the country, as residents of the capital reported sounds of gunfire and explosions. There was no immediate official statement from the Syrian government. The pro-government Sham FM radio reported that the Damascus airport was evacuated and all flights halted. The insurgents also announced they had entered the notorious Saydnaya military prison north of the capital and "liberated our prisoners" there. The night before, opposition forces had taken the central city of Homs, Syria's third largest, as government forces abandoned it. The government denied rumours that President Bashar al-Assad had fled the country. More to come This is a breaking update. A previous version of this story can be seen below. The latest: Thousands rush to Syria's border with Lebanon. Rebels say they're in 'final stage' of encircling Damascus. UN envoy to Syria calls for 'orderly political transition.' Officials from Iran, Russia and Turkey meet in Qatar. Insurgents' stunning march across Syria accelerated on Saturday with news that they had reached the gates of the capital and that government forces had abandoned the central city of Homs. The government was forced to deny rumours that President Bashar al-Assad had fled the country. The loss of Homs is a potentially crippling blow for Assad. It stands at an important intersection between Damascus and Syria's coastal provinces of Latakia and Tartus — the Syrian leader's base of support and home to a Russian strategic naval base. The pro-government Sham FM reported that government forces took positions outside Syria's third-largest city, without elaborating. Rami Abdurrahman who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Syrian troops and members of different security agencies have withdrawn from the city, adding that rebels have entered parts of it. The capture of Homs is a major victory for insurgents, who have already seized the cities of Aleppo and Hama, as well as large parts of the south, in a lightning offensive that began Nov. 27. Analysts said Homs falling into rebel hands would be a game-changer. Rebel fighters stand on a military vehicle in the Homs countryside on Saturday. (Mahmoud Hasano/Reuters) For the first time in the country's long-running civil war, the government now has control of only three of 14 provincial capitals: Damascus, Latakia and Tartus. The advances in the past week were among the largest in recent years by opposition factions, led by a group that has its origins in al-Qaeda and is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and the United Nations. As they have advanced, the insurgents — led by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group, or HTS — have met little resistance from the Syrian army. Analysis In Syria, a ruthless dictator is under siege. Will anyone step up to save him? The rapid rebel gains, coupled with the lack of support from Assad's erstwhile allies, posed the most serious threat to his rule since the start of the war. The UN's special envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, on Saturday called for urgent talks in Geneva to ensure an "orderly political transition." Speaking to reporters at the annual Doha Forum in Qatar, he said the situation in Syria was changing by the minute. Rebels at the gates of Damascus The rebels' moves around Damascus, reported by an opposition war monitor and a rebel commander, came after the Syrian army withdrew from much of the southern part of the country — leaving more areas, including two provincial capitals, under the control of opposition fighters. In Damascus, people rushed to stock up on supplies. Thousands rushed the Syria border with Lebanon, trying to leave the country. WATCH | Rebels reportedly moving closer to Damascus: Rebels reportedly moving closer to Damascus in lightning advance 9 hours ago Duration 6:34 Syrian rebels pressed their advance on the capital city of Damascus on Saturday, saying they had seized most of the country's south. Many shops in the capital were shuttered, a resident told The Associated Press, and those that remained open ran out of staples such as sugar. Some shops were selling items at three times the normal price. "The situation is very strange. We are not used to that," the resident said, insisting on anonymity, fearing retribution. "People are worried whether there will be a battle [in Damascus] or not." It was the first time that opposition forces reached the outskirts of Damascus since 2018, when Syrian troops recaptured the area following a years-long siege. Assad has not fled, state media report Syria's state media denied rumours flooding social media that Assad has left the country, saying he is performing his duties in Damascus. He has had little, if any, help from his allies. Russia is busy with its war in Ukraine. Lebanon's Hezbollah, which at one point sent thousands of fighters to shore up Assad's forces, has been weakened by a year-long conflict with Israel. Iran has seen its proxies across the region degraded by regular Israeli airstrikes. U.S. president-elect Donald Trump on Saturday posted on social media that the U.S. should avoid engaging militarily in Syria. An image of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, riddled with bullets, is seen on the facade of the provincial government office in Hama, Syria, on Friday. (Omar Albam/The Associated Press) Pedersen said a date for the talks in Geneva on the implementation of UN Resolution 2254 would be announced later. The resolution, adopted in 2015, called for a Syrian-led political process, starting with the establishment of a transitional governing body, followed by the drafting of a new constitution and ending with UN-supervised elections. Later Saturday, foreign ministers and senior diplomats from eight key countries — including Saudi Arabia, Russia, Egypt, Turkey and Iran — along with Pedersen, gathered on the sidelines of the Doha summit to discuss the situation in Syria. In a statement issued late Saturday, the participants affirmed their support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis "that would lead to the end of military activity and protect civilians." They also agreed on the importance of strengthening international efforts to increase aid to the Syrian people. The insurgents' march Abdurrahman, of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said insurgents were in the Damascus suburbs of Maadamiyah, Jaramana and Daraya. Opposition fighters were also marching from eastern Syria toward the Damascus suburb of Harasta, he said. A commander with the insurgents, Hassan Abdul-Ghani, posted on the Telegram messaging service that opposition forces had begun the "final stage" of their offensive by encircling Damascus. HTS controls much of northwest Syria, and in 2017 it set up a "salvation government" to run day-to-day affairs in the region. In recent years, HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani has sought to remake the group's image, cutting ties with al-Qaeda, ditching hard-line officials and vowing to embrace pluralism and religious tolerance. WATCH | Why the war in Syria just reignited: Why the war in Syria just reignited 1 day ago Duration 6:07 The civil war in Syria has reignited after years of lying dormant, with a coalition of opposition forces swiftly taking control of a number of major cities. CBC’s Chris Brown breaks down how the situation unravelled and the key players fighting for control. The shock offensive began Nov. 27, during which gunmen captured the northern city of Aleppo, Syria's largest, and the central city of Hama, the country's fourth-largest city. Opposition activists said on Saturday that a day earlier, insurgents entered Palmyra, which is home to invaluable archeological sites that had been in government hands since being taken from the Islamic militant group ISIS in 2017. To the south, Syrian troops left much of the province of Quneitra, including the main Baath City, activists said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government troops have withdrawn from much of the two southern provinces. The Syrian army said in a statement on Saturday that it has carried out redeployment and repositioning in Sweida and Daraa after its checkpoints came under attack by "terrorists." The army said it is setting up a "strong and coherent defensive and security belt in the area," apparently to defend Damascus from the south. The Syrian government has referred to opposition gunmen as terrorists since the conflict broke out in March 2011.

FREDDY GRAY: Why Trump is looking to Britain as he plans to crack down on illegal migrants - as an example of how NOT to do itB.C. man arrested on allegations he threatened police while livestreamingRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s defection to Donald Trump and the Republicans comes after years of criticism the former Democrat laid at Trump's feet. Kennedy, whom Trump has nominated to be the next U.S. health secretary, has previously called the president-elect a "bully" and a "terrible president" and described his early political rise as "scary." In a video that was widely shared online this week, amid widespread discussion of Trump's cabinet picks, commentators claimed that Kennedy had disparaged Trump's supporters too, saying he called them "belligerent idiots," "outright Nazis," and "bootlickers." The Claim A post on X, formerly Twitter , by user Republicans against Trump, posted on November 21, 2024, viewed 3.9 million times, said: "[siren emoji] CNN has uncovered an audio in which RFK Jr scorched Trump and his supporters, calling them "belligerent idiots," "outright Nazis," "cowards," and "bootlickers." The post included audio in which Kennedy said: "One of the things that you write so beautifully, and your stuff is so fun to read, but you write about Trump, quote, 'The way that you build a truly vicious nationalist movement is to wed a relatively small core of belligerent idiots to a much larger group of opportunists and spineless fellow travelers whose primary function is to turn a blind eye to things.'" The Facts CNN did not report that Kennedy said those words about Trump supporters himself, and Kennedy did not do so either. CNN reported earlier this week that the recording was taken from a March 2016 episode of the Ring of Fire radio show, during which Kennedy praisingly repeated the words of journalist Matt Taibbi. "'We may not have that many outright Nazis in America, but we have plenty of cowards and bootlickers, and once those fleshy dominoes start tumbling into the Trump camp, the game is up,'" Kennedy quoted. As was said in the clip, Kennedy doesn't resist or challenge Taibbi's words, calling them "beautifully" written and "fun to read." The passage itself doesn't outright call Trump supporters "belligerent idiots" but strongly connects them to that insult. Importantly, these weren't Kennedy's words, although his praise of the passage suggests he, at the very least, sympathized with its sentiment. "Like many Americans, I allowed myself to believe the mainstream media's distorted, dystopian portrait of President Trump," Kennedy said in a statement sent to Newsweek by the Trump-Vance transition team. "I no longer hold this belief and now regret having made those statements. President Trump has a tremendous vision for our country that will not only make our country healthy again but will lower the cost of living for all Americans, stop endless wars, protect free speech, secure our Southern border, and make our country great again. "I am proud to serve in President Trump's administration." As reported in October 2024 by The New York Times, Kennedy has ridiculed Trump for many years, including during his run as a candidate in the 2024 race, calling him a "terrible president" who would not be "capable of meeting the expectations and fulfilling the promises that he raises with his rhetoric." In a Newsweek op-ed from 2018 , Kennedy, who was a Democrat at the time, said that Trump's "presidency has not just discredited our nation, but the entire American experiment in self government." Trump was not kind to Kennedy prior to his dropping out of the 2024 race, either. Kennedy ran against Trump as a Democrat, then an independent, before ending his campaign in August and endorsing the president-elect. In a post on his social media platform Truth Social in late May, Trump called Kennedy "one of the most Liberal Lunatics ever to run for office," adding that he is "a Phony Radical Left fool whose poll numbers are TERRIBLE, and getting worse." The Ruling Needs Context. According to a CNN report, the audio recording of RFK Jr. is from 2016 and was of Kennedy reading a passage written by journalist Matt Taibbi. While these weren't his words, Kennedy repeated them in praise. FACT CHECK BY Newsweek's Fact Check team

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